I just wanted to post a quick blog to start the process of processing my upcoming trip to Kenya. We (myself and two buddies from church) leave June 10th and return around June 26th. God is good and has opened the door for me to return to Kilifi and visit old friends and encourage the Christians there.
One of the key cultural principles in Kenya, in fact its such a part of their culture that they put it in the official seal of the country (see above) is called HARAMBEE. It's the Swahili word that means "Let's Pull Together". It was traditionally used when men worked together to accomplish a huge task, much like we might chant "Heave, ho!" In modern times, it expressed an event that celebrates the community coming together to support a cause or special project. We often encountered them when people were building a church building or providing school fees for a student's higher education. I'm asking you to join with me in the spirit of HARAMBEE for my trip. God's provided the finances, but would you join in praying for us?
I'm not sure what God intends for this trip, I just feel like He's called me to go. Pray for guidance - that God will reveal himself and his purpose for our visit. Pray for our safety and pray for our families here. Pray that God will be glorified and his Kingdom lifted up through our travels.
Stay tuned for updates...